Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Alexa Haye's Highlights Showcase Presentation

Below is the video of Alexa's presentation:

Alexa's Voice Thread presentation was well done. Alexa shared about the blog. I had done blogs fro past classes and such so I didn't have such a tough time getting started for this class. It was interesting to hear Alexa's initial opinion on the use of the blog for class. I liked how she admitted that she hadn't really kept up to date on technology or education before this class. I see it that Alexa does now and that is what future employers would be concerned with anyhow.  Then Alexa addresses her portfolio. My favorite par of Alexa's portfolio is that she shares her teaching philosophies area on her about me page. This is something that I had not thought of. I am planning to add that somewhere in my portfolio as well now. The coolest part of Alexa's presentation was how in depth she went into on her technology integration lesson plans. She could show this presentation to someone and they would be very impressed. She seems very proud of her lessons and I think that she should be. I have never really used webspiration so it was interesting to see how much Alexa loved it. I will be sure to check it out now.

Besides the presentation being a bit too quiet, awesome presentation!

1 comment:

  1. I agree- I had not thought about putting a philosophy statement in my portfolio until I watched Alexa's which is something I forgot to mention in my post.
